Our Line Card

Our Line Card Is About Quality Over Quantity

The Brands We Represent

As an organization, the most valuable thing we have to offer is time. Our selection process is a lot like a retailer’s. We scrutinize every element of the brand and product to make sure it is positioned for success before entering into an agreement. Being a business that is funded by sales commissions, we only work with brands that will deliver results.

Understanding the Retailer’s Needs

Our process begins with taking the retailer’s needs into consideration.

  • Who is their customer?
  • What are they shopping for?
  • What products are their customers purchasing elsewhere?
  • How can we drive traffic to their assortment?
  • How do we drive interaction within their assortment?
  • How can we add value to their assortment?
  • Does the product compliment or cannibalize sales from the other items on the shelf?
  • What products can make their current assortments stronger?
We Carefully Vet our Partners to Ensure
  • They are able to meet the production demands of retail
  • They have a supply chain that is able to handle fulfillment
  • The manufacturer is capable of meeting the retailer’s unique requirements of the retailer’s stores
  • The products are right for an individual retailer’s assortment
Brand and Product Selection Process

When reviewing brands and products for representation consideration, we start with the retailer’s needs. We understand each and every SKU on a retailer’s shelf needs to be able to pull its own weight. We consider slow moving items and one time buys as failures. We ask some key questions to gain an understanding of the retailer’s brand and categories. Then we look within the landscape to find products that will increase sales. If a product does not have the potential of creating category lift, it is not worth merchandising and not worth the effort of developing.

Key Factors We Look For
  • Can we sell an experience instead of a product?
  • Can we tear down traditional barriers of purchase?
  • Can we make it easier for the customer to purchase?
  • Can we create more touch points for the retailer?
  • Can we create a personalized shopping experience?
  • Can we create the perfect in-store shopping experience?
  • Can we use big data to create a better shopping experience?
  • Can we create category lift inside the retailer’s category?
  • Can we create repeat business?
Partial Client List:
CG Brand

Click & Grow




Neato Robotics